If you’re ready for change – I’m  ready to help


I help people overcome barriers and blockages that hold them back in their life, empowering them to achieve the greater happiness and fulfilment that they deserve!


Need help saying no? Get your copy of A Biz-Mum’s Guide on How to Say NO (and ditch the guilt without losing clients or pi@@ing people off!)


 These barriers may be:




Negative Mindset

Fears & Phobias

Sheer Overwhelm

I help people break down these barriers by using

Focused Minds CT can help with-anxiety, self esteem, confidence, negative mindset, fears and overwhelm


Hypnotherapy is a highly effective way to work on the barriers and blockages holding you back in life. It’s focus is to root out the negative messages stored in your subconscious minds and replace them with positive ones.

Focused Minds CT can help with-anxiety, self esteem, confidence, negative mindset, fears and overwhelm

Coaching & Mentoring

The essence of coaching is to support you to identify and work towards goals or intentions and achieve progress in your personal or professional life.

Focused Minds CT can help with-anxiety, self esteem, confidence, negative mindset, fears and overwhelm


Why limit the progress to just one person? Workplace Wellbeing training can enhance your organisation and be tailored to your specific needs.


Helping them come out the other side:

√        Ready to take on life and live with greater fulfilment
√        Armed with tools and techniques to support through the toughest times
√        Having clarity and focus on what they need to do going forward


Not sure which is for you? Let’s chat

I want to thank Sian for the hypnotherapy sessions, can’t believe how much difference has happened. I would say thank you for the last session, but I know if I ever feel I need it again I know I’ll come back to have help off her… positive thoughts and determination! Achieving goals is something I thought I’d never do like I am now.
— L.D – Hypnotherapy Client

I have a passion for supporting people to create positive change in their lives and help them to empower their own progress.

I know what it’s like to be held back by your own limiting beliefs, daily demands and the ongoing juggling act that is life and I can help YOU ditch what’s holding you back and discover your path forward to a more fulfilling (and fun!) life.

Sian Ridd, your hypnotherapist and hypnocoach