Coaching &


Struggling to find clarity amongst the chaos?

Overwhelmed by everything you want/need to be doing but can’t find where to start?

Feel like everyone else knows the answer to something you don’t?

Many people know what they want but sometimes are overwhelmed by the obstacles or options of how to get there, then ultimately never move forward.

Life & Mindset Coaching and Mentoring is an investment in yourself that will give you an edge to achieving the fulfilling life you know you deserve.


Imagine how it would feel to have a clear focus and pathway to getting there!

Imagine how inspired you’ll feel when you start working on areas in your life that make you feel motivated and like you’re really achieving something.

Imagine what it would be like to have a renewed energy and positive mindset when it comes to tackling what lies ahead.

Accountability is key

Quite honestly you have the answers hidden within you, you often know the common sense of the actions you need to be taking, but if you’ve no one to hold you accountable then things just continue to slide.

By supporting you to set goals, discover pathways to arrive at those goals, and identify ways for you to be accountable for your actions - creating positive change is achievable.

Coaching & mentoring will involve a combination of face to face time and digital communication and can be undertaken in person or virtually.

Coaching is a proven way to effectively improve the areas of:

Self confidence


Self-awareness and understanding

Clarity in making decisions, choices and judging situations

Expanding horizons

Stress management

Communication skills


The Limitless

  • Are you a Mum in Business?

  • Do you struggle with the guilt of everyday demands ?

  • Do you KNOW that you can achieve more fulfilment in your work & personal life if you could just get a better handle on “things”?


As a Biz-Mum myself, I know what it’s like to act like a Swan, trying to glide along gracefully, whilst underneath my legs are kicking like crazy in any direction!

I also got tired of people telling me “You’re amazing – doing everything that you do…” but feeling like a fraud when I heard it -  AMAZING?!?! Had they seen the state of my office or my laundry pile?!?!

Focused Minds have developed a unique HYPNO-Coach programme that combines the best of Hypnotherapy, Coaching & Mentoring.


Wouldn’t it be fantastic to BE the person you want to be, feeling on some level that you are “winning at life” because you have direction, clarity and the right mindset to take it all on and smash it!!!

During the Limitless Biz-Mum programme you will:

  • Create clarity

  • Overcome the overwhelm

  • Act Authentically – looking at Self-awareness, aligning core values, implementing boundaries

  • Master you mindset and energy

  • Learn to live out loud!

Programmes are for a minimum 3 month commitment and involve a combination of face to face time, digital communication and tailored hypnotherapy; all scheduled in a way that’s is sustainable within your work/life routines.

If you're interested in more targeted support right now, you can contact me for more information on my Limitless Biz-mum hypno-coach programme.

Sian is a business coach for mums

Hi I’m Sian, your Life, Mindset and Business Coach.

As a coach and mentor  I can honestly say that I bring with me the empathy & experience of having trodden a similar path to many of my clients.

Being bogged down with the overwhelm & guilt of day to day demands, prioritising everything and everyone else over my own needs.

If you're reading this far you’ll know what I mean! I can also then say that I’ve learnt from each experience, I've successfully put changes into place that have made massive differences and I know that I can empower you to do the same!

Such an enlightening experience-Sian helped me put things into perspective and give me the tools to help me focus on my goals, wants and needs. I’m finally getting on track. Thankyou
— S.F