Meet Sian

  • Do you sometimes find yourself dreading the week ahead and the overwhelm that comes with it?

  • You plan ways in which you can avoid situations that bring out your anxieties?

  • You’re actually exhausted by the negative thought patterns and conversations you have with yourself, the point your energy is at rock bottom?

  • You hold yourself together for everyone else but inside you’re falling apart?


Please believe me when I say I can relate and I can also help!


There are ways for you to feel free of these constraints, have the tools in your tool box to help you manage the toughest of times, and to live and enjoy life with a positive mindset and energy.

Hi I’m Sian,

A woman, daughter, wife, mum, sister, aunty, friend….

Hypnotherapist, Life Coach and Business Owner.

I have a passion for supporting people to create positive change in their lives and help them to empower their own progress.

I know what it’s like to be held back by your own self-limiting beliefs, daily demands and the ongoing juggling act that is life (read My Story on the blog). Through utilising my own experiences & professional training I gain results by helping YOU to ditch what’s holding you back and discover your path forward to a more fulfilling (and fun!) life.

I love making personal connections with my clients and find there is nothing more rewarding than seeing their eyes light up when they have one of those “Ah Ha!!” moments and things start to click into place.

I help with hypnotheraphy, coaching and wellbeing to help you find your passion adn create positive change

I work with individuals, groups and organisations delivering Hypnotherapy, Coaching & wellbeing training and am proud to tailor all of my sessions to the needs and requirements of my clients.

Focused Minds CT can help with-anxiety, self esteem, confidence, negative mindset, fears and overwhelm.png

Through Hypnotherapy I can help you to readdress the negative habits, behaviours and thought patterns whilst aiding you with tools & techniques to empower change.

Focused Minds CT can help with-anxiety, self esteem, confidence, negative mindset, fears and overwhelm.png

Coaching is a pathway for you to create clarity, overcome the overwhelm and achieve fulfilment and fun in your life again. Setting goals, identifying the steps required to move forward towards those goals, and doing it in a way that is manageable within your personal and work life demands.

Focused Minds CT can help with-anxiety, self esteem, confidence, negative mindset, fears and overwhelm.png

Wellbeing training is an excellent opportunity for an organisation to show real compassion for its workforce and demonstrate it’s commitment to them as individuals which in turn is an investment in the sustainability of the organisation.


Not sure which service is right for you? Book a free discovery call so we can work it out together.