Do you think I can control your mind ?!?!


Mental Health Awareness is raising, people are becoming more open minded to alternative treatments BUT as a hypnotherapist I’m still very much aware of the fact that people are sceptical about Hypnotherapy.

I get it… acupuncture does something physical, massage does something physical, reflexology does something physical – but to lay back and listen during hypnotherapy… well what does that do?!?!

Let’s talk simply here – if you know your brain and thoughts are the root of your problems, then it’s working with your brain and thoughts that’s going to resolve the issues. I’m not a fan of electrodes shocking the brain – so for me Hypnotherapy is the winner!

So in a bid to boost my industry I want to address some of the scepticism and myths surrounding hypnotherapy – maybe if you’re sitting on the fence about the treatment, you’ll jump off and into the booking diary of your local hypnotherapist!

1.The Hypnotherapist will be able to control my mind.

FALSE!!!! YOU ARE IN COMPLETE CONTROL AT ALL TIMES!!! No one can control your mind unless you let them. The purpose of hypnotherapy is to give positive messages to the subconscious brain in order to move out the negative messages stored there. (The positive messages or “suggestions” will have been discussed with you before hand during the pre- hypnosis session where the issues/barriers are discussed)

If at any time a client were to want to “wake up” they simply can, again – you are in full control at all times.

2. I might not be able to wake up from a trance.

FALSE!!! YOU ARE IN COMPLETE CONTROL AT ALL TIMES!! For example if a fire alarm went off, you would simply wake up and react as you normally would. Usually hypnotherapy involves a state of relaxation (often called trance) and the best I like to describe it is that you are often so comfortable in this state it’s more likely that you don’t want to wake up. You know that moment in the morning when your alarm starts seeping into your conscious and you just don’t want to wake up as you’re too comfy? That’s the hardest the “wake up” gets.

3. The hypnotist might make me do silly things or confess to something I don’t want to.

FALSE!!! YOU ARE IN COMPLETE CONTROL AT ALL TIMES Notice a pattern forming?? Why would we do this??? As a hypnotherapists we work to help people; we are not stage hypnotists there for entertainment. We rely on building rapport with our clients and hope they recommend us to others – our reputation depends on us working ethically. And in terms of confessions… you’ll only disclose things you want to… very little shocks us, and your sessions are fully confidential J

4. I have a busy brain and find it hard to switch off – I’d never be hypnotised.

What’s true is that some people reach deeper states of relaxation than others, but this doesn’t mean that those in lighter stages do not benefit from hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is something we are all familiar with; “environmental hypnosis” is when you find you’ve reached your car destination with little recollection of your drive there, or your mind wandering whilst watching a film, yet you’re still aware of what you’ve been watching - it’s a state most of us have been in at some time or another. It’s even possible to conduct conversational hypnosis where there is no need to “lay back and relax”.

Also, having a voice to listen to often helps capture a busy mind, so when your thoughts are leading you off down random paths, you have something to bring your focus back to. Furthermore, often as when something is repeated, clients often find it easier with each session to relax and therefore reach deeper trances as the sessions progress.

5. Hypnosis is a miracle cure.

Unfortunately not. If I could wish one myth to be true it would be this one!

Hypnotherapy is highly effective and it’s not uncommon the see changes after one session, however, many issues/barriers presented by clients are deep rooted and take time and effort to overcome. The relationship between therapist and client is two way; I often set tasks for clients and expect them to put things into practice between sessions, which is an agreement made at the start of our sessions. If people can’t be bothered to put in the effort their end also, then don’t expect to gain the best from your treatment.

hypnotherapy port talbot

If I were to ask you to recall where you were on 9/11, I think you could remember (if you’re of a certain age!)  - that’s because our minds have embedded it so deeply that memories, feelings, emotions are recalled in a split second. That’s how powerful our subconscious mind is!  So when day after day we feed ourselves negative messages, (truth or not because it cannot tell the difference) our subconscious mind takes the messages on board – embeds them and in turn this impacts on our thoughts and behaviours.

Hypnotherapy is your opportunity to move out the negative and replace with the positive. It’s simple, give it a go!

If you’d like to know more about how I can help you or if you’d just like to chat more to answer any queries you can get in touch

If you’d like to, then join my facebook group The Limitless Biz-Mum,  where you can learn from what is shared by myself and others; knowing that you’re not alone and there are like-minded mums out there only too willing to lift you up when you need it and help straighten your crown.


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