The "Not To DO" List

Creating a Not To Do list is a great way to free up mental space in your day

Do you have a "To DO" List? Ever tried a "NOT To DO" List?

At The Limitless Biz-Mum, we're a massive fan of "Not to do Lists" - things you're going to do less of, things that you're not going let hold you back, things that by "not doing" means that your week ahead will have a positive injection right from the start!

As a Monday Mindset task, we're aiming to shove out of the way the Monday Blues. Us Biz-Mums are reclaiming Mondays as the day to consciously fix our Mindset in "Positive Mode" for the week ahead.

I'm a fan of lists. I've been in various scenarios finding my mind wandering to all the things I need to be doing, whether those be general tasks for home & life or things that need ticking off for work.

I thought I was being clever in times like these by writing EVERYTHING down... If it popped into my head, it got added to the list. Don't get me wrong, this was great to some extent as so often there are those things that exit your mind as quickly as they enter; then there's that palm slapping forehead moment of "Duh! I forgot to do xyz".

The only issue is that when I look back at the list I've made, I'm overwhelmed with how much is on there. So, I split it down into categories, try to prioritise things, trying to feel productive I even write down things I've done so I can cross them off (Come on! You all know you've done that!!)

Let’s do a “Not To Do” List!

So what is a NOT to DO List?

It's quite simply a list of things that you recognise are holding you back.

For example, how many things on your "to do" list do you tick off before getting to the important tasks that are actually the ones you really don't want to do? I'll happily check off my shredding before I do my VAT return!

What goes on your “Not To Do” List?

  • DON’T schedule too much into your day

  • DON'T spend excessive time on social media

  • DON'T check emails first/last thing each day

  • DON'T procrastinate DON"T multitask

  • DON’T try to have everything perfect

  • DON'T linger over "failures"

  • DON’T Avoid important stuff that you don't like

How to “Not Do”

  • Delegate

  • Delete

  • Outsource

  • Simply Say "NO"

  • Time Management

What can you change this week? What do you want to achieve and what do you need to avoid in order to do it?

If you’d like to, then join my facebook group The Limitless Biz-Mum,  where you can learn from what is shared by myself and others; knowing that you’re not alone and there are like-minded mums out there only too willing to lift you up when you need it and help straighten your crown.

If you’re looking for more focused support right now, you can get in touch for a FREE discovery call.

Jessica Haines | Website Designer & SEO Coach

Jessica is making the internet more beautiful (and profitable!) for coaches, consultants and course creators. She creates websites that look great, get you found on Google and turn your visitors into subscribers and clients, so your website helps you grow your business. With 15+ years designing websites, a lifetime of creative + strategic thinking on hand and a marketing degree up her sleeve, Jessica shares actionable tips and insights to help your website grow and thrive.

The day the Sat Nav brought me joy!


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