The day the Sat Nav brought me joy!

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Ever blindly followed your Sat Nav then experienced the anxiety of not knowing where you are?

Driving from South Wales to Shrewsbury – blindly following my Sat Nav even though I’ve taken the trip many times, then suddenly I realised that I was in the middle of nowhere with no recognition of anywhere around me 😨

If you’ve used a Sat Nav or google maps to travel in your car you’re probably familiar with the tendency to enter your destination and blindly follow where it takes you. 9 time out of 10 you get to your destination with no issues, but for those odd times you hit a barrier you become unstuck… you’ve got to that point on auto pilot, not giving any care or attention to the journey. A mild anxiety starts to creep in as you wonder how do you get where you need to be? You’re beginning to feel overwhelmed with the realisation that you now need to address your options…

On this occasion though I experienced something different…

My realisation that I had blindly followed the instructions and now I didn’t know where I was, made me slow down… it made me look around… it made me absorb my surroundings… and I’m so thankful that it did 😍

This was my first lightbulb moment 💡of the marvellousness that is Mindfulness!

It was Autumn and for the first time in my memory I saw, and I mean REALLY saw, the leaves on the trees and the amazing myriad of colours 🍂 🍁

I stopped the car and took a moment to soak up what I was seeing; I wound down the window to enhance my senses, the feel of the drop in temperature, the smell of damp in the air, the sounds of the wind in the trees.

It‘s as though that moment has wedged itself firmly in my consciousness, my awareness was raised and from that point onwards my journey took a different energy, one of being joyful to be able to witness this change in season. For once I wasn’t passing off the moment as fleeting nicety, but really taking the time to give myself permission to enjoy it.

Mindfulness Mindset

Ever since, Mindfulness has become part of my day to day life, so much so that I went and trained to be a practitioner. Yes, Mindfulness is a buzzword at the moment, yes it is about breathing and meditation, but I’m passionate to share with you that it’s also about so much more!

Have you ever followed your sat nav and had no idea where you are? have you ever followed a path and not been sure where it lead? have you ever experienced anxiety when faced with your options?…. If you have, then consider learning Mindfulness to help you calm your anxieties, overcome the overwhelm and have confidence in your decisions.

Mindfulness can be simply and effectively incorporated into you day to day life and have such a positive impact that I truly believe it can be a game changer for so many people.

 If you’re interested in how you can use Mindfulness in your life, then hit the link for my FREE Online Taster Session with Guided Meditation Mindfulness and Me


Do you think I can control your mind ?!?!


The "Not To DO" List